/* Allgemeine Strings */ ÚÄÄÄÄ Blank: String fr UPD und UPL ³ d: String nur fr UPD ³ l: String nur fr UPL ³ ³ÚÄÂÄ max. 3-stelliger Index 000 - 999 ³³ ³ ( 0 ) "\n\nFatal error! DEFAULT.SET not found, check installation!" ( 1 ) "\n=======================================================" ( 2 ) "\n\nPress any key to exit ==> " ( 3 ) "\n\nError! %s not found, enter correct Filename" ( 4 ) "\n(including path and extension) ==> " ( 5 ) "\nError! %s not found!" ( 6 ) "\n\Option -s ignored, starting up with last setup." ( 7 ) "\n\nPress any key to continue ==> " ( 8 ) "\nError! %s is not a valid complete setup!" ( 9 ) "\nPossible reasons:" ( 10 ) "\n - You have entered an actual setup, but only complete setups can be used." ( 11 ) "\n - You have entered an complete setup stored by a former UPL version." ( 12 ) "\n Setup has to be converted before being used as -s option." ( 13 ) "\nOption -s ignored, starting up with last setup." ( 14 ) "\n\nPress any key to continue ==> " ( 15 ) "Wrong Index of -x!\n" ( 16 ) "Wrong Index of -o!\n" ( 17 ) "Wrong Index of -a!\n" ( 18 ) "Wrong Argument!\n" ( 19 ) "\nAvailable conventional memory at start of UPL\n" ( 20 ) "for ovrbuffer is %i Kbytes ( min %i ).\n" ( 21 ) " 1) Remove all unnecessary TSR-Programs,\n" ( 22 ) " 2) reduce BASIC program/data size ( argument -bp or -bd)\n" ( 23 ) " and restart UPL!\n\n" ( 24 ) "Press any key to continue..." ( 25 ) "No extended memory available for overlay swapping!\n" ( 26 ) "\nAvailable memory at start of program: \n" ( 27 ) "Conventional: %10ld KBytes\n" ( 28 ) "XMM: %10ld KBytes\n" ( 29 ) "Overlaybuffer:%10d KBytes\n" ( 30 ) "ESC to break or any key to C O N T I N U E !" ( 31 ) " UPL V%4.2f %s, Setup %4.2f" ( 32 ) " Selftest running ..... " ( 33 ) " Incompat. setup version no.%5.2g! -> using DEFAULT.SET! Press any key!" ( 34 ) " Incompat. setup version no.%5.2g! %5.2g required! Press any key!" ( 35 ) " Incompat. setup no.%5.2g in CMOS-RAM! %5.2g required! -> using UPL.SET " ( 36 ) " Tolerance file not found or data invalid!" ( 37 ) " New UPL installation required! Press any key to exit to DOS. " ( 38 ) " Analog Board has been replaced!" ( 39 ) " No serial nr. or anlg board nr. in EEPROM! Type new numbers in EEPROM [1]"); ( 40 ) " or copy numbers from file to EEPROM [any other key]" ( 41 ) " EEPROM is new and empty! Type new serial nr., anlg board nr. " ( 42 ) " and U150 nr. for EEPROM [any key to continue]:" ( 43 ) " Type first part of serial nr.:" ( 44 ) " Type second part of serial nr.:" ( 45 ) " Type anlg board nr.:" ( 46 ) " Type U150 nr.:" ( 47 ) " Anlg Board Vers. %.2f is different from previous one %.2f! [1]" ( 48 ) " %s cal data check. LDG possibly new installed!" ( 49 ) " %s cal data check. EEPROM is new and empty!" ( 50 ) " Calibration data in EEPROM set to 1.000. Press any key to continue! " ( 51 ) " %s data out of tolerance! Content of .cal-file to EEPROM [1]," ( 52 ) " 1.000 to EEPROM [2], temporary calibration factor 1.000 [any other key] " ( 53 ) "Fehler beim L”schen des EEPROM!" ( 54 ) " EEPROM formatted, Press any key to continue! " ( 55 ) "UPL command line parameters: \n" ( 56 ) " -c: LCD and CRT in color, -m: LCD and CRT in black&white\n" ( 57 ) "\nWhat setup to use: \n" ( 58 ) " -d: Use default.set as configuration of UPL\n" ( 59 ) " -sfilename.xxx: use filename.xxx as configuration of UPL\n" ( 60 ) "\nBASIC options: \n" ( 61 ) " -bpx: Use x (>= 8) KBytes as program memory for BASIC (default 0)\n" ( 62 ) " -bdx: Use x (>= 4) KBytes as data memory for BASIC (default 0)\n" ( 63 ) " -bnfilename: Use filename as basic file for auto run" ( 64 ) "\nSpecial options: \n" ( 65 ) " -r: Don't prompt for user interaction during startup; recommended for remote\n" ( 66 ) " -e: No exit to DOS on fatal errors\n" ( 67 ) " -ax: Analyzer options:\n" ( 68 ) " x=1: turning off analog channel will set its impedance to high Z\n" ( 69 ) " -ox: Compatibility switch:\n" ( 70 ) " x=1: do not use FS like AES17\n" ( 71 ) " x=2: S/N measurement using filtered signal measurement\n" ( 72 ) " x=3: disable display scale learn mode\n" ( 73 ) " x=4: logarithmic waveform scaling enabled\n" ( 74 ) " x=5: roll key disabled for panel navigation\n" ( 75 ) " x=14:freeze generator protocoll data if 'PROTOCOL PANEL OFF' selected\n" ( 76 ) " x=16:no Third Octave display during settling in continuous mode\n" ( 77 ) "" ( 78 ) "" ( 79 ) "" ( 80 ) "\npress any key to continue ..." ( 81 ) "\n\nUPL hidden command line parameters: \n" ( 82 ) "-tsk: full softkeys on pcx\n" ( 83 ) "-tjit: jitter mode selectable\n" ( 84 ) "-tdch: speaker configured as DC output, -6 V ... +6 V\n" ( 85 ) "-tdcl: speaker configured as DC output, -2 V ... +2 V\n" ( 86 ) "-tanlg: FFT-Bandwidth in Anlr 110 kHz enhanced to 140 kHz\n" ( 87 ) "-tdig: Sample Frequenz unlimited\n" ( 88 ) "-tsync1: no AES-Reset on lock error\n" ( 89 ) "-tsync2: no lock error check\n-tsync3: AES-Reset on each lock error\n" ( 90 ) "-tlog: logging of GPIB commands to BASIC commands enabled\n" ( 91 ) "-ttimo: disables timout check in MAZ\n" ( 92 ) "-tmem: displays information about currently available memory\n" ( 93 ) "-tdsp: enable idleval display\n" ( 94 ) "-trest: generator frequency and level setting without analyzer restart\n" ( 95 ) "-tfilxz.yz: reduces filter delay of rub and buzz measurement:\n" ( 96 ) " xz : reduction factor of optional filter (e.g. low pass): x.z\n" ( 97 ) " yz: reduction factor of (tracking) highpass: y.z\n" ( 98 ) "-txfft1: exports real and imag of FFT data\n" ( 99 ) "-txfft2: exports phase of FFT data\n" ( 100) "\npress any key to continue ..." ( 101) " ÄÄ Changing Gen Function keeps\n" ( 102) "@f[ # FUNCTION Parameters]\n" ( 103) " ÄÄ Changing Gen Instrument keeps\n" ( 104) "@f[ # Output Config.]\n" ( 105) "@f[ # FUNCTION including Parameters]\n" ( 106) " ÄÄ Changing Anl Function keeps\n" ( 107) "@f[ # FUNCTION Parameters]\n" ( 108) " ÄÄ Changing Anl Instrument keeps\n" ( 109) "@f[ # Input Config.]\n" ( 110) "@f[ # START COND]\n" ( 111) "@f[ # INPUT DISP]\n" ( 112) "@f[ # FREQ/PHASE]\n" ( 113) "\n Number of decimal places: 1...6 \n" ( 114) " 0 = Automatic\n" ( 115) " ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿\n" ( 116) " CH1 ³ @fd2[#] ³" ( 117) "³ @fd2[#] ³" ( 118) "³ @fd2[#] ³\n" ( 119) " CH2 ³ @fd2[#] ³" ( 120) "³ @fd2[#] ³" ( 121) "³ @fd2[#] ³\n" ( 122) " ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ\n" ( 123) " ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿\n" ( 124) " ³ @f[O.K.] ³" ( 125) "³@f[CANCEL]³\n" ( 126) " ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ\n" ( 127) " Should printing be started although\n" ( 128) " the requested number\n" ( 129) " of images is not yet\n" ( 130) " reached?\n\n\n" ( 131) " @fd[CONTINUE] " ( 132) " @fd[PRINT NOW]\n\n" ( 133) " @fd[CANCEL]\n" ( 134) " The requested number of images is not\n" ( 135) " yet reached.\n\n\n" ( 136) " How to proceed?\n\n" ( 137) " @fd[CONTINUE] " ( 138) " @fd[FINISH]\n\n" ( 139) " @fd[CANCEL]\n" ( 140) " @fd[Edit Comment]\n" ( 141) " @fd[New Comment]\n\n" ( 142) " Hardcopy:\n" ( 143) " @fd[with Comment, no Form Feed]\n" ( 144) " @fd[with Comment + Form Feed]\n" ( 145) " @fd[without Comment, no Form Feed]\n" ( 146) " @fd[without Comment + Form Feed]\n" ( 147) " @fd[CANCEL]\n\n" ( 148) " @fd[Edit Comment]\n" ( 149) " @fd[New Comment]\n\n" ( 150) " Comment\n" ( 151) " @fd[As TITLE]\n" ( 152) " @fd[As SUPPLEMENT]\n\n" ( 153) " @fd[CANCEL]\n\n" ( 154) "ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿\n" ( 155) "³@fd[#]³" ( 156) " ³@fd[#]³" ( 157) "³@fd[#]³" ( 158) "³@fd[#]³\n" ( 159) "ÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙ ÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙ\n" ( 160) " ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿\n " ( 161) "³@fd[#]³" ( 162) " ³@fd[#]³" ( 163) "³@fd[#]³" ( 164) "³@fd[#]³\n" ( 165) " ÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙ ÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙ\n" ( 166) " ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿\n " ( 167) "³@fd[#]³" ( 168) " ³@fd[#]³" ( 169) "³@fd[#]³" ( 170) "³@fd[#]³" ( 171) "³@fd[#]³\n" ( 172) " ÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙ ÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙÀÄÙ\n" ( 173) "ÚÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄÂÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄ¿\n" ( 174) "³@fd[#]" ( 175) "³ ³@f[####]³" ( 176) " ³@f[##]³\n" ( 177) "ÀÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÁÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÙ\n" ( 178) "\n0 %% 100 %%\n" ( 179) "ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿\n" ( 180) "³@f[####]³" ( 181) "³@f[######]³ " ( 182) "³ @fp[###] %% ³\n" ( 183) "ÀÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ\n" ( 184) "\n50 %% 100 %%\n" ( 185) "ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿\n" ( 186) "³@f[####]³" ( 187) "³@f[######]³ " ( 188) "³ @fp[###] %% ³\n" ( 189) "ÀÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ\n" ( 190) "\n 7...0 15...8 23...16 31...24\n" ( 191) "Byte 0... 3 @fd[@[8,#]] " ( 192) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 193) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 194) "@fd[@[8,#]]\n" ( 195) " 4... 7 @fd[@[8,#]] " ( 196) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 197) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 198) "@fd[@[8,#]]\n" ( 199) " 8...11 @fd[@[8,#]] " ( 200) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 201) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 202) "@fd[@[8,#]]\n" ( 203) " 12...15 @fd[@[8,#]] " ( 204) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 205) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 206) "@fd[@[8,#]]\n" ( 207) " 16...19 @fd[@[8,#]] " ( 208) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 209) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 210) "@fd[@[8,#]]\n" ( 211) " 20...23 @fd[@[8,#]] " ( 212) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 213) "@fd[@[8,#]] " ( 214) "@fd[@[8,#]]\n" ( 215) " ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿\n" ( 216) " ³ @f[O.K.] ³" ( 217) "³@f[CANCEL]³ Space toggles\n" ( 218) " ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ\n" ( 219) "@a[5]No commands selected!\n\n" ( 220) "Only commands which are\n" ( 221) "ticked off appear in\n" ( 222) "the STATUS-Panel.\n\n\n" ( 223) "For further information\n" ( 224) "press @fd[####]!" ( 225) "ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿" ( 226) "\n³@f{ok}[--- O.K. ---]³" ( 227) "³@f{ca}[-- CANCEL --]³" ( 228) "\nÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ" ( 229) " Frequency Phase Voltage\n" ( 230) " Frequency Voltage\n" ( 231) "DF;SC0,639,0,479;SP1;PU;PA0,0;SR0.84,1.8;" ( 232) "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n" ( 233) "%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n" ( 234) "userscale userscale scale" ( 235) "%%BoundingBox: __0 __0 __0 __0\n" ( 236) "90 rotate\n0 cm -21 cm translate" ( 237) "/cm { 28.3 mul } def\n/pswidth { 14 cm } def" ( 238) "/l { lineto} def\n/m { moveto} def\n/w { stroke setlinewidth} def" ( 239) "ÄÄ>³, ³<ÄÄ, Curs UP, Curs DOWN, turn knob, ENTER" ( 240) "SELECT for Character Enter Mode" ( 241) " Work Dir %s \n is neither a directory nor a filename.\n Instead Current Dir %s \n will be used! " ( 242) " %s does not stand\n for a directory and will be interpreted\n as a control file.\n The directory %s\n (defined in the control file) corresponding\n to the extension %s does not exist!" ( 243) "// --- Calibration data of analog analyzer --- //\n" ( 244) " // Notchfilter Channel 1:\n" ( 245) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 0);\n" ( 246) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 1);\n" ( 247) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 2);\n" ( 248) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 3);\n" ( 249) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 4);\n" ( 250) " // Notchfilter Channel 2:\n" ( 251) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 0);\n" ( 252) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 1);\n" ( 253) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 2);\n" ( 254) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 3);\n" ( 255) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 4);\n" ( 256) " // RMS-Ranges\n" ( 257) "%10.8f // cal_range (ANLG 22kHz , Channel 1);\n" ( 258) "%10.8f // cal_range (ANLG 22kHz , Channel 2);\n" ( 259) "%10.8f // cal_range (ANLG 100/300kHz, Channel 1);\n" ( 260) "%10.8f // cal_range (ANLG 100/300kHz, Channel 2);\n" ( 261) " // DC-Ranges\n" ( 262) "%10.8f // cal_dc (Channel 1);\n" ( 263) "%10.8f // cal_dc (Channel 2);\n" ( 264) " // Frequency\n" ( 265) "%10.8f // cal_freq;\n" ( 266) " // Phase\n" ( 267) "%10.8f // cal_phas_fact;\n" ( 268) "%10.8f // cal_phas_offs;\n" ( 269) " // Notchfilter Channel 1:\n" ( 270) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 0);\n" ( 271) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 1);\n" ( 272) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 2);\n" ( 273) " // Notchfilter Channel 2:\n" ( 274) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 0);\n" ( 275) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 1);\n" ( 276) "%10.8f // cal_notch (Range 2);\n" ( 277) " // RMS-Ranges\n" ( 278) "%10.8f // cal_range (ANLG 22kHz, Channel 1);\n" ( 279) "%10.8f // cal_range (ANLG 22kHz, Channel 2);\n" ( 280) "%10.8f // cal_range (ANLG 110kHz, Channel 1);\n" ( 281) "%10.8f // cal_range (ANLG 110kHz, Channel 2);\n" ( 282) " // Frequency\n" ( 283) "%10.8f // cal_freq;\n" ( 284) " // Phase\n" ( 285) "%10.8f // cal_phas_fact;\n" ( 286) "%10.8f // cal_phas_offs;\n" ( 287) "// --- Calibration data of analog generator --- //\n" ( 288) "%10.8f // cf_dac_sin Gen Analog Level\n" ( 289) "%10.8f // cf_25 Gen Anlg25 Level\n" ( 290) "%10.8f // cf_110 Gen Anlg110 Level\n" ( 291) "%10.8f // cf_sqr Square Level\n" ( 292) "Error Report PhaseToRef Calibration:\n" ( 293) "// --- Calibration data of digital I/O --- //\n" ( 294) "// --- Calibration data of jitter option --- //\n" ( 295) "%10.8f // dig_phase_cal_slope \n" ( 296) "%10.8f // dig_phase_cal_offset \n" ( 297) "%10.8f // dig_phase_gen_slope \n" ( 298) "%10.8f // dig_phase_gen_offset \n" ( 299) "%10.8f // dig_phase_cal_slope_neg\n" ( 300) "Error Report Low Distortion Calibration:\n" ( 301) "// --- Calibration data of low distortion generator --- //\n" ( 302) "%10.8f // cf_ldg_sin Sin Level\n" ( 303) "%10.8f // cf_ldg_imd IMD Level\n" ( 304) "%10.8f // cf_ldg_frq[0] Freq Range 0 (at 50 kHz)\n" ( 305) "%10.8f // cf_ldg_frq[1] Freq Range 1 (at 10 kHz)\n" ( 306) "%10.8f // cf_ldg_frq[2] Freq Range 2 (at 1 kHz)\n" ( 307) "%10.8f // cf_ldg_frq[3] Freq Range 3 (at 100 Hz)\n" ( 308) "Illegal file extension, no info text!" ( 309) "File not found" ( 310) "internal error reading info text!" ( 311) "Setup version number not up to date!" ( 312) "internal error reading info text!" ( 313) "Setup version number not up to date!" ( 314) "internal error reading info text!" ( 315) "---Out of Limit Values------\r\n\t" ( 316) "---Trace A Values--------X Axis------\r\n" ( 317) "---Trace B Values--------X Axis------\r\n" ( 318) "--Trace A Values----Trace B Values-------X Axis------\r\n" ( 319) "------X Axis------\r\n" ( 320) "------Z Axis------\r\n" ( 321) "---Equalization Values---and Control---\r\n" ( 322) "------Dwell Values------and Control---\r\n" ( 323) "---Lower Limit Values---and Control---\r\n" ( 324) "---Upper Limit Values---and Control--\r\n" ( 325) "Post-FFT not available;" ( 326) "fundamental too low." ( 327) "Select higher FFT Size" ( 328) "or use function FFT!" ( 329) " Function " ( 330) " Function " ( 331) " Polarity " ( 332) " RMS via FFT " ( 333) "H(z),Coherenc" ( 334) " Filtsim " ( 335) " SINAD " ( 336) " THD+N " ( 337) " Noise " ( 338) " Level THD+N " ( 339) " Level Noise " ( 340) "RMS Selectiv " ( 341) "Rub and Buzz " ( 342) " S/N RMS " ( 343) " RMS " ( 344) " S/N Peak + " ( 345) " S/N Peak - " ( 346) "S/N PK to PK " ( 347) "S/N Peak abs " ( 348) " Peak + " ( 349) " Peak - " ( 350) " PK to PK " ( 351) " Peak abs " ( 352) " S/N Q Peak " ( 353) " Quasi Peak " ( 354) " DC " ( 355) "DFD-d" ( 356) "2,IEC268" ( 357) "3,IEC268" ( 358) "2,IEC118" ( 359) "3,IEC118" ( 360) " DIM " ( 361) " MOD DIST " ( 362) "THD " ( 363) " W&F-DIN " ( 364) " W&F-NAB " ( 365) " W&F-JIS " ( 366) " W&F-2ä(5s) " ( 367) " W&F-2ä(10s) " ( 368) " Waveform " ( 369) " Input Vpp " ( 370) "DIG IN to REF" ( 371) " Digital " ( 372) " Common Mode " ( 373) " Phase " ( 374) " Jitter " ( 375) " " ( 376) " Input Bits " ( 377) " Digital " ( 378) " Common Mode " ( 379) " Phase " ( 380) " Jitter " ( 381) " Input Peak " ( 382) " " ( 383) " Common Mode " ( 384) " Jitter " ( 385) " Input Peak " ( 386) " Input RMS " ( 387) " Input Vpp " ( 388) " Input Peak " ( 389) "DIG IN to REF" ( 390) " Input Peak " ( 391) " Input Peak " ( 392) " " ( 393) " Sample " ( 394) " Sample Freq " ( 395) " " ( 396) " Common Mode " ( 397) " Jitter " ( 398) "Frq & Polarity" ( 399) " Frequency " ( 400) "Frq & Polarity" ( 401) " Frq & Phase " ( 402) "Frq & Polarity" ( 403) "Frq & Grpdelay" ( 404) " Frequency " ( 405) "UPD command line parameters: \n" ( 406) "\nDisplay setting (override setup): \n" ( 407) " -c: LCD and CRT in color, -m: LCD and CRT in black&white\n" ( 408) "\nWhat setup to use: \n" ( 409) " -d: Use default.set as configuration of UPD\n" ( 410) " -sfilename.xxx: use filename.xxx as configuration of UPD\n" ( 411) "\nBASIC options: \n" ( 412) " -bpx: Use x (>= 8) KBytes as program memory for BASIC (default 0)\n" ( 413) " -bdx: Use x (>= 4) KBytes as data memory for BASIC (default 0)\n" ( 414) " -bnfilename: Use filename as basic file for auto run" ( 415) "\nSpecial options: \n" ( 416) " -r: Don't prompt for user interaction during startup; recommended for remote\n" ( 417) " -e: No exit to DOS on fatal errors\n" ( 418) " -ox: Compatibility switch:\n" ( 419) " x=1: do not use FS like AES17\n" ( 420) " x=2: S/N measurement using filtered signal measurement\n" ( 421) " x=3: disable display scale learn mode\n" ( 422) " x=4: logarithmic waveform scaling enabled\n" ( 423) " x=5: roll key disabled for panel navigation\n" ( 424) " x=14:freeze generator protocoll data if 'PROTOCOL PANEL OFF' selected\n" ( 425) "" ( 426) "" ( 427) "-ramdrive: use drive ':' as RAMDRIVE (only for UPL-B23)\n" ( 428) " X=C: define 'C:' to work as pseudo RAMDRIVE (if less than 16MByte RAM)\n" ( 429) " X=D: RAMDRIVE 'D:' is installed and should be used (default state)\n" ( 430) "\npress any key to continue ..." ( 431) "frei" ( 432) "frei" ( 433) " Cannot open calibration file %s! Press any key!" ( 434) " Too many calibration data in File %s! Press any key!" ( 435) " Cannot open tolerance file %s or file is damaged! Press any key!" ( 436) " No valid tolerance data in File %s! Press any key!" ( 437) " Calibration data in File %s out of tolerance! Press any key!" ( 438) " CANCEL: Run %s uncal, ENTER: Restore old %s from CMOS-RAM" ( 439) " Checksum error for calibration data in CMOS-RAM! Press any key!" ( 440) " No valid calibration data in CMOS-RAM! Press any key!" ( 441) " %s not calibrated, all CF = 1.0, %s unchanged. Any key!" ( 442) "Wrong Index of -n!\n" ( 443) "\nAvailable conventional memory at start of UPL\n" ( 444) " and restart UPL!\n\n" ( 445) " UPD V%4.2f %s, Setup %4.2f" ( 446) " Selftest done! ENTER -> Continue, CANCEL -> Exit to DOS! " ( 447) " Unsuccessful deinitialization of UPD! Key to exit!" ( 448) "ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ" ( 449) "Û Û" ( 450) "ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ" ( 451) " A new and empty EEPROM on Analog Board has been detected!" ( 452) " EEPROM [1] or complete Anlg Board was changed [any other key]?" ( 453) " Board ist permanent installed! Very important: For proper handling" ( 454) " Board ist temporary installed! Very important: For proper handling" ( 455) " type Anlg Board nr. from bar code label on Anlg Board [any key]." ( 456) " Type first the right 2 digits from upper line, then without" ( 457) " space the right 2 digits from lower line (e.g. 0405) [any key]." ( 458) " Serial nr., analog board nr., installation keys and calibration data" ( 459) " from hard disk will be copy to EEPROM [any key]!" ( 460) " All calibration data will be temporary set to 1.000 [any key]!" ( 461) "\n\nUPL hidden command line parameters (continued):\n" ( 462) "-tthdnwin: enhanced THD+N capabilities (selectable window)\n" ( 463) "-tpanel: automatically creates ASCII file when storing actual setup\n" ( 464) "-tphase: phase delay compensation on phase measurement\n" ( 465) "-t96: enables high rate selection (on 48 kHz hardware)\n" ( 466) "-tterz:selects decay of third octave analysis\n" ( 467) " (-tterz0.1 selects a decay of 0.1s)\n" ( 468) "-tdai: enables test mode on DAI interface (UPL16 only)\n" ( 469) "-tloop: enables internal loop mode on DAI interface (UPL16 only)\n" ( 470) "-twav: select channel of WAV file to be played\n" ( 471) " 0: mono channel 0\n" ( 472) " 1: mono channel 1\n" ( 473) " 2: stereo\n" ( 474) "-tpolar selects time of rub&buzz polarity measurement in us\n" ( 475) " (-tpolar200 selects a time of measurement of 0.2ms)\n" ( 476) "-tcee erases EEPROM; WARNING: should only be used by R&S service\n" ( 477) "-tquot allows | instead of single quotation mark in IEEE commands\n" ( 478) "-toct displays FFT spectrums as 1/n octave measurement\n" ( 479) "-tappl avoids adjusting of working dir in application setups loaded;\n" ( 480) "-tkeyb allows connecting an external keyboard after UPL boot\n" ( 481) " disables virtual keyboard\n" ( 482) "-tsinad: SINAD/THDN measurement weighting filter on RMS measurement\n" ( 483) "\npress any key to continue ..." ( 484) "\n\nUPL hidden command line parameters (continued):\n" ( 485) "-tmute:mutes output when sweep is terminated:\n" ( 486) " :sweep start delay in milliseconds (e.g. -tmute80 = 80 ms delay)\n valid range: 0..30000\n" ( 487) "-tgenfilt: enables use of filterfile available\n in generator function ARBITRARY for playback of WAV and CPR files \n" ( 488) "-to33inv: inverts coding of MARK and SPACE in FSK generation and decoding.\n" ( 489) " Default: MARK = 1650 Hz; SPACE = 1850 Hz\n" ( 490) "-to33l:limitation of O33 message string to characters\n" ( 491) "-twin12oct: enables 12th octave mode selection (WIDE/NARROW)\n" ( 492) "-techo: *IDN? returns additional infos about command line parameters\n" ( 493) "-ramdrive: use drive ':' as RAMDRIVE (only for UPL-B23)\n" ( 494) " X=C: define 'C:' to work as pseudo RAMDRIVE (if less than 16MByte RAM)\n" ( 495) " X=D: RAMDRIVE 'D:' is installed and should be used (default state)\n" ( 496) "-p: Put value x (0,1,2...) to variable upd_precision (reserved)\n" ( 497) "-x: Put value y (0,1,2...) to variable upd_extension (reserved)\n" ( 498) "" ( 499) "\npress any key to continue ..." ( 500) " Save data to harddisk?" ( 501) " Yes, please [1], No, thank you (or don't know) [any other key]" ( 502) " Clearing EEPROM (2048 Byte set to 0) in progress! " ( 503) " " ( 504) "Transfering CODED AUDIO data to ramdrive; please wait!" ( 505) "Error while executing COPY: " ( 506) "connect test adapter, press key! " ( 507) "pattern 0x%03X failed; 0x%03X read " ( 508) "pattern 0x%03X passed " ( 509) "disconnect test adapter, press key! " ( 510) "test passed; disconnect test adapter, press key!" ( 511) " " ( 512) " fq 3fq fs 5fq", ( 513) " fq 3fq fs 5fq", ( 514) " fq 3fq fs 5fq", ( 515) " fq 3fq fs 5fq", ( 516) " f(low) f(up)", ( 517) " f(low) f(up)", ( 518) " f(low) f(up)", ( 519) " f(low) f(up)", ( 520) " fdiff fm", ( 521) " fdiff fm", ( 522) " fdiff fm", ( 523) " fdiff fm", ( 524) " f1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9", ( 525) " f1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9", ( 526) " f1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9", ( 527) " f1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9", ( 528) " fm", ( 529) " fm", ( 530) " fm", ( 531) " fm", ( 532) " 16 25 40 80 160 315 630 1250 2500 5000 10000 20000", ( 533) " 16 25 40 80 160 315 630 1250 2500 5000 10000 20k", ( 534) "16 25 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k", ( 535) " 25 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k", ( 536) " 20 40 80 160 315 630 1250 2500 5000 10000 20000", ( 537) " 20 40 80 160 315 630 1250 2500 5000 10000 20k", ( 538) " 20 50 100 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k", ( 539) " 20 50 100 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k", ( 540) " " ( 541) " " ( 542) " " ( 543) " o(A) " ( 544) " o(X) " ( 545) " o(B) " ( 546) "o(A)-o(B)" ( 547) " o(X) " ( 548) " " ( 549) " *(A) " ( 550) " *(X) " ( 551) " *(B) " ( 552) "*(A)-*(B)" ( 553) " *(X) " ( 554) " " ( 555) "*(A)-o(A)" ( 556) "*(X)-o(X)" ( 557) "*(B)-o(B)" ( 558) " *(X)AL " ( 559) " *(Y) " ( 560) " *(X)AR " ( 561) " *(X)BL " ( 562) " *(Y) " ( 563) " *(X)BR " ( 564) " *(X)AL " ( 565) "o(A)-*(Y)" ( 566) " *(X)AR " ( 567) " *(X)BL " ( 568) "o(B)-*(Y)" ( 569) " *(X)BR " ( 570) "\015\012AES_USER_DATA_LEFT \015\012\015\012" ( 571) "\015\012AES_USER_DATA_RIGHT \015\012\015\012" ( 572) "\015\012AES_USER_DATA_MULTIPLEX \015\012\015\012" ( 573) "Protocol Analysis: " ( 574) "Validity (L=R):" ( 575) "Validity: L:" ( 576) "R:" ( 577) "Parityerrors:" ( 578) "Change:" ( 579) "Other:" ( 580) "Errors:" ( 581) "CHANNEL STATUS LEFT " ( 582) "CHANNEL STATUS RIGHT" ( 583) "USER DATA LEFT " ( 584) "USER DATA LEFT DUMP" ( 585) "USER DATA BOTH DUMP" ( 586) "USER DATA RIGHT " ( 587) "USER DATA RIGHT DUMP" ( 588) "USER DATA BOTH DUMP" ( 589) "AES18 CHANNEL LEFT " ( 590) "AES18 CHANNEL RIGHT " ( 591) "// --- Calibration data of dc output on speaker connector --- //\n" ( 592) "%10.8f // cf_dc_fact DC output level factor\n" ( 593) "%10.8f // cf_dc_offs DC output level offset\n"